Dragon’s Veil
Dragon’s Veil was produced for the Game Off 2023 game jam in November 2023 with a team of 18 developers. I was a 3D environment artist on the team and we worked on 8 scenes linked together through Unreal Engine level streaming. Unreal Engine 5.2 was used to develop the project. I crafted modular environment assets, 3D models, materials, and textures. I also aided in the set dressing by adding props and foliage to the environments. For collaboration the team utilized Discord, Nuclino for project management, and GitHub for version control.
Assets I worked on were created in Autodesk Maya, Substance Painter & Substance Designer. I also used Megascans as well as assets from the other artists on the team for the set dressing. Although not all of my assets made it into the final game, the work I produced is showcased here.